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Saddle Rigging Guide


Your rigging setup should:

  • Keep your saddle secure
  • Be comfortable for the horse
  • Minimise bulk under the rider’s leg
  • Keep straps out of the way

Does your saddle need extra stability?

Your saddle may need stabilising if your riding event or activity involves fast action or rough terrain. It may also be necessary if your horse has a unique conformation or the saddle fit is not 100%. If you are riding in any of these scenarios, consider choosing a rigging arrangement that includes either a flank girth or v-shape.

What safety requirements or gear rules apply?

Many associations and events have rules stating what saddles and tack are allowed, recommended or required. For example, ‘2 points of contact’ is a common safety requirement. We recommend checking your chosen rigging setup complies with the rules for your specific group or event.

What rigging hardware is fitted to your saddle?

The hardware your saddle features will determine which rigging arrangements are possible for your saddle.
Your Toowoomba Saddlery saddle will be fitted with either C-type rigging plates, or 3-way rigging plates. There will be one plate under each saddle fender, usually protected by a leather flap called a girth safe.

Ctype rigplate fitted
C-type rigging plate
A single C-shaped rigging plate on each side of the saddle with one large slot for simple, uncomplicated rigging.
Showing the 3 positions of the 3-way saddle rigging plate
3-way Rigging plate
A versatile rigging plate with 2 slots on each saddle side, supporting multiple girthing positions. You can attach your girth strap to either the front slot (forward position) or rear slot (rear position) of the rigging plate, or both (centre position).
Saddle showing flank dee

Flank Dees or Flank slots 
Not available on all saddles, flank dees are positioned toward the back of the saddle skirt. You can use them to attach optional flank girths or hold excess girth strap so it doesn’t trail in the dirt or get in your horse’s way. Older saddles used flank slots instead — holes punched into the leather at the same position.

Girth hanger / Latigo carrier accessory

Girth holder / Latigo Carrier
A useful 2-part accessory pre-fitted to a limited number of saddles, that can also be  purchased separately and retrofitted onto existing saddles. They’re handy for keeping your girth and rigging straps out of the dirt and out of the horse’s way.

Example of girth holder in use on the off side of a saddle
Girth Holder | Off side
Buckle your cinch/girth to the hole when not in use.
Latigo Carrier | Near side
The slot holds/carries your excess latigo or girth strap. 

Skip to rigging straps ➤ | Skip to rigging examples ➤

Choose Your Girth / Cinch

Toowoomba Saddlery saddles are compatible with a range of western and stock style girths. In western disciplines, the girth is referred to as a cinch. You can attach tack such as breastplates and flank girths to the girth’s small centre dees. Some girths also feature keepers or pockets to store excess strap length.

Our halfbreed saddles require smaller girth sizes and longer girth straps than English style saddles, to give the rider’s leg more freedom without the buckles adding bulk under the fender. 

Modern style western cinches are made of synthetic materials like neoprene which require less maintenance and may be textured or vented so the horse’s skin can breathe. 

Traditional style western cinches feature strings/cords that can move independently of one another for comfort, stability and airflow.  Strings may be of natural or synthetic material.

double buckle campdraft girth with billet

Stock Girths
feature smaller buckles.
Some (Like the campdraft girth pictured) have 2 buckles on each end,  helping riders easily achieve multiple points of contact.

Basic cinch buckle
secured with straps that have holes.
Girth/Cinch buckle with rollers
Cinch buckle with rollers
secured on the near side with straps that have holes.
Cinch with ring
Cinch with ring end
tied to saddle rigging, or hooked onto a tackaberry/bates buckle.
Campdraft girth buckles
Double buckles of campdraft stock girth
Used with loop-on girth points. Billet straps (if present) go on the off side.
Australian made flank girth with points

Optional flank girth with points
(AKA Rear cinch with billets)
For saddles with flank dees/slots, you can use an additional flank girth to add security to your saddle position and stop your saddle from sliding forward. These T-shaped girths can be useful for fast action or downhill riding.  
The middle strap connects to the centre dees of your main girth, so the flank girth won’t slip backwards.

Skip to rigging examples ➤

ChoosING your Rigging / Girth Straps

Your first choice is between leather or synthetic straps and this often comes down to personal preference. Do you prefer the strength and reduced bulk of synthetic straps? or the more traditional look, softer feel and mild ‘give’ of leather straps?

Do you value the ease and simplicity of a buckle? or do you prefer to tie your straps so you’re not limited to the distance between buckle holes?

Whichever straps you choose, don’t forget to keep excess out of the way by tucking it into a girth keeper (if your girth has one) or hooking it through an empty rigging slot, flank dee or latigo carrier.

Below are the straps featured in our rigging examples:

Latigo leather pull-up cinch tie strap with lace-up loop end

Long Leather Latigo 

  • Mainly used on the near side.
  • Secure the traditional way by tying knots, or use the holes to secure with a cinch buckle.
Leather halfbreed billet strap

Halfbreed Strap / billet 

  • Used on the off side.
  • Long leather strap for cinch buckles.
Latigo leather Bates Lace

Leather Latigo Lace

  • Mainly used on the off side.
  • Thinner tie straps with no
    buckle holes.
  • Can be sewn to the girth ring.
TS Pro Series Premium polyester pull up strap with self-attaching loop end (near side)

Synthetic Pull-up Strap 

  • Mainly used on the near side.
  • Secure the traditional way by tying knots, or use the holes to secure with a cinch buckle.
  • May have loop ends for easy attachment.
TS Pro series Premium polyester off side billet strap.

Short Pull-up Strap / Billet

  • Used on the off side.
  • Holes for use with buckles.
  • Shorter strap, no loops or ties.
TS Pro series polyester pull-up lace

Synthetic Pull-up Lace / Bates lace

  • Mainly used on the off side of a tackaberry setup.
  • Thinner tie straps with no
    buckle holes.
  • Loop end for easy attachment.
Tanami Loop-on girth points

Loop-on Girth Points / Billets

  • These points provide strong and convenient attachment for both the near and off side.
  • Attach the point to the saddle rigplate with the loop end and secure it with a cinch buckle.
  • With no fiddly ties, these points can be easily fitted and removed as required. 

Saddle Rigging Examples With PHOTOS

Note: In the following examples, the saddle fender has been removed and girth safe lifted so you can easily see the rigging area. Saddles are on stands, so girths and straps are not under tension.

Skip to:
Loop-on girth points | Simple C-plate rigging | Simple 3-way plate Rigging | Centre Rigging |
Centrefire Rigging | Tackaberry rigging

Rigging with Loop-on Girth Points

Attaching a loop-on girth point:

Feed point up through the rigging  (leather side towards the horse) > then down, through the webbing loop > Pull tight.
The webbing loop should lie flat against the top of the strap. 
* Note which hole you use, so you can use the same hole on both sides

Loop-on girth points attached to 3 way rigging plates

Loop-on Girth Points
with cinch buckle girth

  • For more stability you can add an optional flank girth.
  • For extra points of contact, you can attach additional points with a second cinch girth.
Near side saddle rigging example: C type rigplates with cinch, loop-on girth points and flank girth
C-type rigplates | Near Side
Cinch buckle + loop-on girth points + flank girth
(off side would be a mirror image)

Loop-on girth points with stock girth
(Double buckle campdraft girth)

  • For more stability you can add an optional flank girth.
  • Includes multiple points of contact.
  • The girth’s off side billet strap (if present) can replace
    one loop-on girth point.
Rigging example: 3 way rigplates with double-buckle stock girth (campdraft girth) and loop-on girth points (Off side)
3 way rigplates | Off Side
Double-buckle (campdraft) stock girth
+ loop-on girth point & billet strap

SIMPLE Saddle Rigging | C type Rigging Plates

  • For more stability, you can add an optional flank girth.
  • The C-type rigplate position sits equivalent to the centre of 3-way rigplates. 
  • There may not be enough room to add extra points of contact.

Simple C-type rigging | Near side with ring cinch
Attach pull-up strap/latigo to rigging plate > Pass strap down through cinch ring > then up through the rigplate > and down to the ring > then pass back up through rigplate and secure with a tie knot.  

Near side saddle rigging example: C type rigplates with leather latigo strap tied to ring cinch
C-type rigplate | Near Side
Leather latigo tied to cinch ring
Near side saddle rigging example: C type rigplates with TS Pro series polyester pull-up strap tied to ring cinch
C-type rigplate | Near Side
Pull-up strap tied to cinch ring

Simple C-type rigging | Near side with buckle cinch
Attach pull-up strap/latigo to rigging plate > Pass strap down through buckle > then up through the rigplate > and down to the buckle > then secure with buckle.  

Near side simple saddle rigging example: C type rigplates with leather latigo strap and buckle cinch
C-type rigplate | Near Side
Leather latigo buckled to cinch
Near side saddle rigging example: C type rigplates with TS Pro series polyester pull-up strap and buckle cinch
C-type rigplate | Near Side
Pull-up strap buckled to cinch

Simple C-type Rigging | Off side with buckle cinch
Fold offside strap/billet in half over the buckle > pass both strap points up through rigging slot > then back to the buckle so the strap is double thickness at the buckling point > Tighten and secure.
Folding the strap around the buckle gives it more strength and leaves less strap excess. 

Off side simple saddle rigging example: C type rigplates with TS Pro series polyester billet strap and buckle cinch
C-type rigplate | Off Side
Synthetic billet strap buckled to cinch
Off side saddle rigging example: C type rigplates with leather halfbreed strap and buckle cinch
C-type rigplate | Off Side
Leather halfbreed strap buckled to cinch

SIMPLE Saddle Rigging | 3-way Rigging Plates

  • Forward Position (straps on front-most slot, as shown) may be more suitable for horses with lower withers.
  • Rear Position (rear-most slot) gives the horse more shoulder room and may be more suitable for horses with higher withers.
  • For more stability, you can add an optional flank girth.
  • For extra points of contact, you can attach an additional girth and straps to the spare rigging slots.

Simple 3-way rigging | Near side with ring cinch
Attach long pull-up strap/latigo to your preferred rigging slot > pass strap down through buckle/ring > up through rigging slot > down through buckle/ring > Then pass back up through slot and secure with tie knot.  

Near side simple saddle rigging example in forward position, with 3 way rigplates and leather latigo strap tied to ring cinch
3-way rigplate | Near Side
Leather latigo tied to cinch ring in Forward Position
Near side saddle rigging example in forward position with 3 way rigplates and synthetic TS Pro series pull-up strap tied to ring cinch
3-way rigplate | Near Side
Synthetic pull-up strap tied to cinch ring in Forward Position

Simple 3-way rigging | Near side with buckle cinch
Attach pull-up strap/latigo to your preferred rigging slot > pass strap down through buckle > up through rigging slot > down through buckle > tighten and secure.

Near side simple saddle rigging example in forward position with 3 way rigplates, leather latigo strap and buckle cinch
3-way rigplate | Near Side
Leather latigo buckled to cinch in Forward Position
Near side saddle rigging example: Simple rigging in forward position with 3 way rigplates, synthetic TS Pro series pull-up strap and buckle cinch
3-way rigplate | Near Side
Pull-up strap buckled to cinch in Forward Position

Simple 3-way rigging | Off side with buckle cinch
Fold the offside strap/billet in half over the buckle > pass both strap points up through your preferred rigging slot > then back to the buckle so the strap is double thickness at the buckling point > tighten and secure. Folding the strap around the buckle gives it more strength and leaves strap excess. 

Off side simple saddle rigging example in forward position, with 3 way rigplates and leather halfbreed strap and buckle cinch
Side view of halfbreed strap attached.
3-way rigplate | Off Side
Leather halfbreed strap buckled to cinch in Forward Position
Off side simple saddle rigging example in rear position, with 3 way rigplates and TS Pro series billet strap and buckle cinch
3-way rigplate | Off Side
Pull-up strap buckled to cinch in Rear Position

Centre Saddle Rigging 

  • Requires a saddle with 3-way rigplates. 
  • The Vpull shape adds balance and stability, for even more stability an optional flank girth can also be used.
  • No option for extra contact points.

3-way Centre Rigging | Near side with buckle cinch
Attach strap to front-most rigging slot, pass strap through buckle > then same rigging slot > buckle > 2nd rigging slot > buckle > Tighten and secure.  

Example of buckle cinch rigged to saddle's 3 way rigplate in v-shape centre position with leather latigo strap
3-way rigplate | Near Side
Leather latigo strap buckled to cinch
Near side centre saddle rigging example, with 3 way rigplates and TS Pro series pull-up strap and buckle cinch
3-way rigplate | Near Side
Pull-up strap buckled to cinch

3-way Centre Rigging | Off side with buckle cinch  
Fold strap in half over the buckle > then pass each strap through a rigging slot > and back down to the buckle so they are double thickness at the buckling point.

Off side centre saddle rigging example, with 3 way rigplates and leather halfbreed strap and buckle cinch
3-way rigplate | Off Side
Leather halfbreed strap buckled to cinch
Off side centre saddle rigging example, with 3 way rigplates and TS Pro series billet strap and buckle cinch
3-way rigplate | Off Side
Off-side billet strap buckled to cinch

Centrefire Saddle Rigging

  • The wider V shape moves the girth back to give your horse maximum shoulder room while helping alleviate pressure on the shoulder and withers and helping stabilise your saddle.
  • Requires a s flank dee / slot.
  • Use on both near and off side for even pressure.
  • No option for extra contact points.

Centrefire Rigging  | C-type rigging plates with ring cinch
Attach strap to cinch ring > pass through rigging plate > down to cinch ring > up to flank dee > back to cinch ring > back up to flank dee > tie knot to secure. Tying the strap to the flank dee instead of the rigging plate helps reduce bulk under the rider’s leg.

Near side centrefire saddle rigging example, with C type rigplates and Leather latigo tied to ring cinch
C-TYPE Rigplates | Near Side
Leather latigo tied to cinch ring
Near side centrefire saddle rigging example, with 3 way rigplates and TS Pro series synthetic pull-up strap tied to ring cinch
C-type rigplates | Near Side
Synthetic pull-up strap tied to cinch ring

Centrefire Rigging | C-type rigging plates with buckle cinch
Attach strap to rigging slot > pass strap through buckle > then flank dee > then buckle again > tighten and secure. 

Near side centrefire saddle rigging example, with C type rigplates,  leather latigo strap and buckle cinch

C-TYPE Rigplates | Near Side
Leather latigo buckled to cinch
Near side centrefire saddle rigging example, with C type rigplates,  TS Pro series synthetic pull-up strap and buckle cinch

C-TYPE Rigplates | Near Side
Synthetic pull-up strap buckled to cinch

Centrefire Rigging | 3-way rigging plates with ring cinch
Attach pull-up/latigo strap to rigging slot.  Pass strap through girth ring > then flank dee > girth ring again > flank dee again > then tie knot to secure. Tying the strap to the flank dee instead of the rigplate helps reduce bulk under the rider’s leg. An alternative method ties the strap to the cinch ring instead of the rigplate.

Near side centrefire saddle rigging example, with 3 way rigplates and Leather latigo tied to ring cinch
3-way rigplates | Near Side
Leather latigo tied to cinch ring
Near side centrefire rigging example, with 3 way rigplates TS Pro series synthetic pull-up strap tied to ring cinch
3-way rigplates | Near Side
Synthetic pull-up strap tied to cinch ring

Centrefire Rigging | 3-way rigging plates with buckle cinch
Attach pull-up/latigo strap to rigging slot > pass strap through buckle > then flank dee > then buckle again > tighten and secure. 

Near side centrefire saddle rigging example, with 3 way rigplates, leather latigo and buckle cinch
3-way Rigplates | Near Side
Leather latigo tied to cinch ring
Near side centrefire saddle rigging example with 3 way rigplates, TS Pro series synthetic pull-up strap and buckle cinch
3-way Rigplates | Near Side
Synthetic pull-up strap buckled to cinch

Tackaberry / Bates Saddle Rigging

  • Requires a tackaberry buckle which may come with or without a leather backing.
  • Your girth is secure, yet can be released quickly.
  • Can tighten the girth while sitting in the saddle.
Example of tackaberry buckle in use

Tackaberry Rigging | Near side with pull-up strap   
Attach pull-up strap to the tackaberry buckle’s top bar > pass up into your preferred rigging slot > down through the buckle’s top slot > then up to the rigging slot > down through the buckle’s lower slot > tighten and secure.
Strap excess can be hooked through empty rigging slot or flank dee.

Near side Tackaberry/Bates saddle rigging example in forward position, with 3 way rigplates and TS Pro series synthetic pull-up strap
3-way rigplates | Near Side
synthetic pull-up strap in Forward Position
Near side Tackaberry/Bates saddle rigging example in centre position, with 3 way rigplates and TS Pro series synthetic pull-up strap
3-way rigplates | Near Side
synthetic pull-up strap in Centre Position
Near side Tackaberry/Bates saddle rigging example, with C type rigplates and TS Pro series synthetic pull-up strap
C-type rigplates | Near Side
synthetic pull-up strap

Tackaberry Rigging | Off side with pull-up lace
Attach pull-up lace to girth ring > pass lace up into your preferred rigging slot > down to the cinch ring > up to rigging slot > down to the ring > then up to the rigging plate and tie securely.
An alternative method involves making the tie at the girth ring, to reduce bulk under the rider’s leg.

Off side Tackaberry/Bates saddle rigging example in forward position, with 3 way rigplates and TS Pro series synthetic pull-up lace tied to ring cinch
3-way rigplates | Off Side
Synthetic lace tied to ring cinch in Forward Position
Off side Tackaberry/Bates saddle rigging example in centre position, with 3 way rigplates and latigo leather lace tied to ring cinch
3-way rigplates | Off Side
latigo leather lace tied to ring cinch in Centre Position
Off side Tackaberry/Bates saddle rigging example, with C Type rigplates and TS Pro series synthetic pull-up lace tied to ring cinch
C-type rigplates | Off Side
Synthetic lace tied to ring cinch
Off side Tackaberry/Bates saddle rigging example, with C type rigplates and latigo leather lace tied to ring cinch
C-type rigplates | Off Side
Leather latigo lace tied to ring cinch

Are you ready for your next riding adventure?

We hope this information has helped you identify some of your saddle rigging options. There are a lot of strong opinions out there about ‘The best way to rig a saddle’. The most important thing is to find a rigging arrangement that works for your specific needs and check it regularly to make sure it continues to do so.

Don’t forget that your off side rigging should mirror your near side (i.e if you are using the 3-way rigplate’s Forward position on your near side, you should also be using the Forward position on the off side).

If you haven’t yet picked a saddle, check out our saddle range or contact your nearest Toowoomba Saddlery distributor.

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Custom Western Saddlemakers Expo 2023

Custom Western Saddlemakers Expo logo 2023

Custom Western Saddlemakers Expo 2023

Building on the success of last year’s event, the 2023 edition of the Custom Western Saddlemakers Expo featured more saddle entries and more trade stalls. Makers and stall-holders travelled from Queensland, interstate and even from New Zealand to attend at the Stanthorpe Showgrounds, over the first 3 days of September.

The Custom Western Saddlemakers Expo is the only event of its kind in Australia. It is a showcase of our country’s best saddlemakers and celebrates the skill and artistry of our leather craftsman. Proudly sponsored by Toowoomba Saddlery and we believe this event will only get bigger and better as time goes by. This year included a new Stock Saddle section, with the number of entries proving the addition to be a good choice for organisers. 

Unfortunately the Reata Ranch colt starting demonstration could not go ahead due to last minute illness.

The saddle competition took centre stage in the main pavilion. It was great to see such a high standard of craftsmanship, with plenty of careful hand-stitching and detailed leather carvings to admire. Judges assessed each entry on the materials and construction as well as the overall appearance. We saw saddle makers use contrasting leather colours and finishes to great effect. Detailed leather carvings also elevated craft to art, with themes of flowers, gumnuts and more to see, even a painted border made an appearance. Many of the saddles were fully kitted out for display with each one mounted on their maker’s own saddle stand and staged with cinches, catching ropes and other accessories.

It was not surprising to find that a number of entries were crafted using Hermann Oak® leather, a long-term favourite of many saddle makers.  All of them excellent examples of what can be achieved with quality leather and workmanship.  Any one not familiar with Hermann Oak® leather can find out more at:

While visitors and judges alike admired and critiqued entries for each category, craftsmen talked shop. One of the biggest benefits of the expo is the rare opportunity for people of the saddlemaking industry and associated services come together from near and far to talk in person, which they did at length by the trade stalls and outside the pavilion. Stallholders manned their displays, showing and selling their custom saddles and tack as well as leather, artisanal hardware, sewing machines, cowhides and even a taxidermy display.

In total, there were sixteen saddles and seven rawhide items on show, all vying for first place in their section. Awards were presented on Sunday morning by Toowoomba Saddlery’s very own Robert Delbridge. Prizes included over $3000 value worth of Hermann Oak® Leather vouchers, as well as plaques, ribbons, Bob berg trophy Buckles and more… Scroll down to see the winning entries for each section.

Thank you to judges Tony Gifford, Troy Welsh and Trevor Scott for your valuable time and insight, and to Trevor Able, for all the effort you have put into to make this event happen. All in all, the Custom Western Saddlemakers Expo has been an industry event worth attending. We look forward to seeing what next year’s expo will bring.

Anyone who wants to get involved can visit the Custom Western Saddlemakers Expo Facebook event page (opens in new tab) and contact Trevor Able.

UPDATE: The 2024 expo is now being held as part of the Australian Western Makers Expo. See their facebook page for further information.

What would you like to see at next year’s event?

Winners Circle

Rob Moreton with winning saddle from Fully Tooled section
Fully Tooled Saddle
Rob Moreton
(RM Custom Tack)
Novice Saddle
Jason Greiner
Trevor Able with winning Xax Saddle
Full Rough Out Saddle
Trevor Able
(XAX Saddles)
Taphyl Stewart Saddle - People's choice winner
People’s Choice
Taphyl Stewart
Open Saddle section winner
Open Saddle
Trevor Able
(XAX Saddles)
Trevor Scott winning Stock sasddle CWSE 2023
Stock Saddle
Trevor Scott
Chris Barr
(DB Braiding)
Custom Western Saddlemakers Expo 2022 banner
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Limited Edition Competition Saddle

Condamine skull stamp
country landscape background


Condamine Drafter Title

Introducing the mighty Condamine Drafter saddle. A striking and durable competition saddle designed to assist your performance for many events to come. Ideal for campdrafting, polocrosse and more…

Condamine Competition Saddle

Equi-fit logo


The new close-contact Equi-Fit saddle tree features large kneepads and an improved cantle angle to keep you in your seat. Fenders hang from stainless steel stirrup bars for maximum leg movement.

Strong, light-weight and manufactured in the USA. Equi-fit Classic saddle trees are cut from specially selected southern yellow pine, then reinforced using a composite meshing and resin coating.



Gullet Width: 6″ Semi Quarter Horse
Kneepad Height: 4 ¼”
Cantle: 3 ¼”
3 Saddle Sizes Available : 15″ (12 ½” seat), 16″ (13 ½” seat) & 17″ (14 ½” seat)

For more information on saddle measurements please see our article How to measure a Toowoomba Saddlery saddle ►


Genuine, premium Hermann Oak® saddle skirting leather. Full grain for full strength and character. Vegetable pit tanned in the USA since 1881.
For saddles that oil evenly and well, maintain their shape and rich colour throughout their long life.

The Natural coloured leather will age beautifully and the padded dark brown suede seat matches the colour of the felt lining.

Hermann Oak logo

Added Grip

Rough-out knee pads and Platinum series ox-bows complete with Leather on tread provide extra grip in those tight turns.

Condamine Limited saddle - stirrup

Condamine Limited saddle - rigging


3 way rigging plates support multiple girthing options.

Compatible with pull-up straps or loop-on girth points, which can be removed and refitted as required (available separately).


Not just for performance! This saddle is nicely finished with white thread, leather conchos on the seat flaps and barbed wire keeper stamps.

Condamine Limited saddle - leather conchos

Plus all the standard features of a Toowoomba Saddlery Saddle that make them so popular

AMC logo


For maximum durability, all Toowoomba Saddlery saddles feature stainless steel hardware, UV stabilised lock-stitched thread and low-maintenance felt lining as standard.

Condamine Competition Saddle - front view
Condamine Competition Saddle - back view



This LIMITED EDITION competition saddle is Performance-PLUS – Don’t miss out, order now!

Available through Toowoomba Saddlery distributors Australia-wide FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY

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The Moonie Drafter Saddle

Moonie Drafter Saddle article feature

Cover new ground with the

Moonie Drafter saddle

Featuring our NEW Australian Made saddle tree. Ideal for breaking in, competition, campdrafting and stock work.

Moonie Drafter Saddle

Crafted on the new Australian Made Ramtough® Saddle Tree

Tough, high-expansion urethane, reinforced tree made locally in Queensland for Toowoomba Saddlery

‘Jump’ tested, ‘Road’ tested and Lab tested to breaking point!

Strength tested by USQ’s Centre for Future Materials
Gullet strength tested to 947kg 
Stirrup bars tested to 850kg

To prove its strength, the new saddle tree was put through 3 phases of testing, so you can ride on it with complete confidence.
Click here for full test details ►

Australian Made Ramtough Saddle Tree

10 year conditional saddle tree warranty

With these results we are more than confident to back our new saddle tree with a 10 year conditional warranty. This warranty covers breakage and distortion of the saddle tree from normal use. The warranty does not cover accidental damage, misuse, intentional abuse or any alteration from its original shape.

Saddle tree warranty icon


Gullet Width: 6″ Semi Quarter Horse
Kneepad Height: 3 ¼”
3 Saddle Sizes Available : 15″ (12 ½” seat), 16″ (13 ½” seat) & 17″ (14 ½” seat)

For more information on saddle measurements please see our article How to measure a Toowoomba Saddlery saddle ►


The unpadded one piece seat means business while providing a unique feel for the rider.

Moonie Drafter Top view

Moonie Drafter easy access rigging


C-type rigging plates + flank dees.

Compatible with pull-up straps or loop-on girth points, which can be removed and refitted as required (available separately).

Specially shaped girth safe for easy access to the rigging.


Edge-dyed leather in a contrasting finish – Smooth-out with rough-out saddle flaps and padded suede seat.

Genuine, premium Hermann Oak® saddle skirting leather. Full grain for full strength and character. Vegetable pit tanned in the USA since 1881.
For saddles that oil evenly and well, maintain their shape and rich colour throughout their long life.

Hermann Oak logo

AMC logo


For maximum durability, all Toowoomba Saddlery saddles feature stainless steel hardware, UV stabilised lock-stitched thread and low-maintenance felt lining as standard.

For safety, convenience and maximum leg movement the fenders are fully removable and swing from stainless steel stirrup bars.

Moonie Drafter back view
Moonie Drafter Front view

We’ve put it to the test – now it’s your turn!

Cover new ground with Toowoomba Saddlery’s Moonie Drafter saddle…

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The new Ranger Fender Saddle

The Ranger Fender

Blaze a new trail with this ruggedly handsome saddle ideal for competition, campdrafting and more…

Ranger Fender Saddle with pre-turned fenders

The first saddle to be crafted on the new Australian Made Ramtough® Saddle Tree

Tough, high expansion urethane, reinforced tree made locally in Queensland for Toowoomba Saddlery

‘Jump’ tested, ‘Road’ tested and Lab tested to breaking point!

Strength tested by USQ’s Centre for Future Materials
Gullet strength tested to 947kg 
Stirrup bars tested to 850kg

To prove its strength, the new saddle tree was put through 3 phases of testing, so you can ride on it with complete confidence.
Click here for full test details ►

Australian Made Ramtough Saddle Tree

10 year conditional saddle tree warranty

With these results we are more than confident to back our new saddle tree with a 10 year conditional warranty. This warranty covers breakage and distortion of the saddle tree from normal use. The warranty does not cover accidental damage, misuse, intentional abuse or any alteration from its original shape.

Saddle tree warranty icon


Gullet Width: 6″ Semi Quarter Horse
Kneepad Height: 3 ¼”
3 Saddle Sizes Available : 15″ (12 ½” seat), 16″ (13 ½” seat) & 17″ (14 ½” seat)

For more information on saddle measurements please see our article How to measure a Toowoomba Saddlery saddle ►


Fans of turned / twisted fenders talk about it being easier on the ankles and making the mounting process faster and easier.
Having pre-turned fenders saves you time and gets you riding faster.


Platinum series ox-bows complete with Leather on tread provide extra grip in those tight turns.

Ranger fender - fender close up

Ranger Fender saddle easy-access girth safe with 3 way rigging


3 way rigging plates + flank dees support multiple girthing options.

Compatible with pull-up straps or loop-on girth points, which can be removed and refitted as required (available separately).

Specially shaped girth safe for easy access to the rigging.


Edge-dyed leather in a contrasting finish – Smooth-out with rough-out saddle flaps and padded suede seat.

Genuine, premium Hermann Oak® saddle skirting leather. Full grain for full strength and character. Vegetable pit tanned in the USA since 1881.
For saddles that oil evenly and well, maintain their shape and rich colour throughout their long life.

Hermann Oak logo

AMC logo


For maximum durability, all Toowoomba Saddlery saddles feature stainless steel hardware, UV stabilised lock-stitched thread and low-maintenance felt lining as standard.

For safety, convenience and maximum leg movement the fenders are fully removable and swing from stainless steel stirrup bars.

Ranger Fender Saddle Back
Ranger Fender Saddle Front

We’ve put it to the test – now it’s your turn!

Blaze a new trail with Toowoomba Saddlery’s Ranger Fender saddle…

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Saddle Tree Strength Testing

Traditional Saddle Tree Jump Test

Testing Saddle Strength

QUICK LINKS: Click the heading to skip directly to the section you need.

Ramtough Video Ramtough ResultsEqui-Fit TestingEqui-Fit Results

Saddle strength is primarily determined directly by its bones – the saddle tree. Like any other skeleton the tree provides structure, and helps distribute the rider’s weight across the horse. It is important that these bones are strong enough to endure hours of riding

In 2019, Toowoomba Saddlery worked for months with local manufacturers to develop a brand new saddle tree. The material is a new high-expansion, reinforced Polyurethane-composite with excellent strength characteristics.

We knew this new saddle tree was strong, but the question remained – how strong?

Ramtough Strength Testing Video

Phase 1: Traditional ‘Jump’ Testing

The traditional test of saddle tree strength is quite simple. The saddle tree is placed on the ground and a volunteer proceeds to jump on the saddle tree as hard as they can. What could go wrong? For the saddle tree – not much, it remained in one piece, undamaged, unlike the ankle of our unfortunate volunteer. Always keen to prove the quality of our products, the volunteer for this test was none other than our very own Director Robert Delbridge. With traditional methods proving too unsafe, we began thinking – there must be a better way!

Phase 2: Road testing

Time to ramp it up – cue the four wheel drive ! The concrete of our carpark still bears the scars of this test, the saddle tree however looked no worse for wear. With the weight of a Toyota Landcruiser bearing down on the tree, you can see where it has dragged across the ground, yet it sustains no damage.

Road testing saddle tree strength 1
Road testing saddle tree strength 2

Phase 3: Lab testing

Time for something a bit more scientific – something safe and accurate. With the help of the USQ’s Centre for Future Materials,  we had the trees mechanically load-tested, and finally obtained the data we were looking for. Each tree was put through 2 tests:

Test 1: Stirrup bar strength test: Each tree tested was fitted with a pair of our standard 6mm stainless steel stirrup bars. Using a Shimadzu Universal Test Machine, increasing pressure is applied to both sides of the saddle tree on the stirrup bars and measured as kilograms of force. As the load increases, we monitor the tree and stirrup bars for bending or damage.

Test 2: Gullet strength test: Using an MTS Insight 100kN electromechanical testing system, the saddle trees are literally tested to breaking point with increasing pressure being applied to the pommel until the tree fails. This pressure is measured as kilograms of force.

Ramtough Saddle Tree Strength Test Results

Stirrup Bar Test: Test stopped at 850k – no movement whatsoever, no visible damage to the tree.
Gullet Strength Test: Snapped at 947Kg.

Saddle tree warranty icon

Based on these impressive results we find it unlikely that the tree would be damaged through normal saddle use – or even many accidental mishaps. We are more than confident to back our new saddle tree with a 10 year conditional warranty. This warranty covers breakage and distortion of the saddle tree from normal use. The warranty does not cover accidental damage, misuse, intentional abuse or any alteration from its original form.

For now, the new saddle tree is available in semiquarter horse only. The first saddle to be made with the new saddle tree is our brand new Ranger Fender. Find out more about this saddle here:

Saddle trees compared

We took this opportunity to have one of our Equi-fit saddle trees tested as well, we have been confidently using these trees for many years. The Equi-fit tree was put through the same tests as our new high-expansion tree.

Equi-fit Saddle Tree strength testing

Equi-fit Saddle tree stirrup bar test
Equi-fit Saddle tree stirrup bar test
Equi-fit Saddle tree stirrup gullet strength test
Equi-fit Saddle tree stirrup gullet strength test

Equi-fit Saddle Tree Strength Test Results

Gullet Strength Test: Snapped at 1710k
Stirrup Bar Test: Test stopped at 875k – no movement whatsoever, no visible damage to the tree.
The Equi-fit trees are used in many of our saddles, click here to discover more about Equi-fit.

Saddle tree warranty icon

The Equi-fit saddle trees are supplied with a 10 year conditional warranty and with these results it is easy to see why. This warranty covers breakage and distortion of the saddle tree from normal use. The warranty does not cover accidental damage, misuse, intentional abuse or any alteration from its original form.


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Why choose a Toowoomba Saddlery saddle?

Sunset Drafters on the saddle rack

Why Riders Choose

Toowoomba Saddlery saddles


Horse and rider benefit from a light-weight close contact, saddle tree backed by a 10 year conditional warranty


Fenders will detach to meet some of the enforced safety regulations.

Hermann Oak Leather

Crafted with genuine Hermann Oak® leather. Tanned in the USA since 1881 by four generations of the Hermann family.

Australian Made

Made locally here in Toowoomba, Queensland you are supporting local manufacturing, and we provide you with local, professional service.


Loop-on girth points (available separately), can be fitted and removed from any of our saddles as events require.


Lock-stitched with UV stabilised thread. Manufactured with quality materials including stainless steel rigging, hardware and genuine T.S. leather covered stirrup adjusters. 

Hermann Oak logo
equifit saddle tree warranty icon

Because we know that Quality Counts!

We are constantly assessing our saddles and listening to feedback so we can be sure that our saddles are as good as they can be.

When cared for correctly your Toowoomba Saddlery saddle will give you years of service

We craft our saddles to embody the same spirit of endurance that our country towns and their people are renowned for. We salute these amazing communities and their riders by making many of our saddles their namesakes.

Products that succeed in Australian conditions cannot be compromised on quality. That is why Toowoomba Saddlery uses only high quality materials in it’s locally-manufactured saddles, crafted by a team of qualified and experienced saddlers guided by over 50 years of business knowledge. So you can have complete confidence in our products.

Designed for versatility, our current half-breed style saddles are the best of both worlds, combining the balance, feel and precision of a dressage saddle, with the comfort of a western saddle seat and the security of stock saddle knee pads. This makes them excellent all-round saddles suitable for a variety of horse breeds and disciplines, with some riders finding the seating not only comfortable but essential to their riding style. Our saddles are compatible with loop-on girth points and pull-up straps  (sold separately) which can be removed and refitted as required for your convenience.

Today Toowoomba Saddlery saddles are used by stockmen and women, campdrafters and leisure riders not just in Australia but around the world. With care, Toowoomba Saddlery saddles will last for many years and their quality assists with good resale value if you ever need to part with one.

How Toowoomba Saddlery keeps its saddles competitive

The buying power and efficient manufacturing processes used, make Toowoomba Saddlery saddles excellent value-for-money. We invest in consistently high quality materials from reliable sources to maximise saddle durability and smooth out the manufacturing process.

We specialise in manufacturing specific styles of leather saddles in specific sizes, allowing us to manage time efficiently, implement batch manufacturing processes, and limit the materials required. Labour time and costs are significantly reduced with the assistance of sewing and cutting machines, although a high level of hands-on craftsmanship remains essential.

N.E. on Stanley Fender Saddle
Rode in my new Stanley Fender saddle today, my horse seemed comfortable straight up, it felt like a comfy chair…
K.W. on Sunset Drafter Saddle
Definitely a comfortable saddle, we have 2. Highly recommend

Discover the full range of Toowoomba Saddlery saddles

Need help choosing which saddle is for you? Contact your local saddle store.

Click here to find your nearest distributor ➤

Sunset Drafter saddle - top
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The Tanami Junior Comp Fender

Tanami Saddle Plate
Country landscape background
Tanami logo


The Tanami Junior Comp Fender Saddle

The Tanami brand has been manufacturing quality leather tack for Toowoomba Saddlery for years now. We work closely with the manufacturers to ensure consistent high quality supply of our existing products and now, following several years in development, Toowoomba Saddlery is proud to introduce Australia and the world to Tanami’s first saddle – the Tanami Junior Comp Fender Saddle.

Hand-crafted using pure vegetable-tanned, drum-dyed, Oak Brown saddle leather, this youth saddle is perfect for young riders just starting out in their chosen discipline.

The Complete Package

  • 3-WAY RIGGING – Stainless steel 3-way rigging plates support multiple girthing options.
  • REMOVABLE FENDERS – As well as being a safety feature, this means that you can switch between youth and adult size fenders, adapting the saddle to children with long legs, or smaller-sized adults.
  • Padded leather-on-tread youth oxbows (Safety stirrups available as optional extras)
  • Compatible with loop-on girth points or pull-up straps (available separately)
Tanami Junior Saddle 2020
Tanami Junior Comp saddle features

The Leather

This Tanami saddle is hand-crafted using pure vegetable-tanned, drum-dyed, Oak Brown saddle leather, with a padded suede seat and basket weave stamping.

Designed to be ecofriendly leather, special attention has been given on ecology specifications. The liming process is sulphide free, the tanning process is chrome free and the leather does not contain any toxic or hazardous chemicals.

The tannery from which this leather is sourced has been established for over 60 years, holds ISO certification for their quality and environment management systems and international certification for social accountability.

The Tanami Saddle Tree

Tanami saddle tree 5yr warranty
Tanami saddle tree youth - front
Tanami Youth saddle tree

The saddle tree is covered by a 5 year conditional warranty.

The tree is made from a 6 layer composite crossmatting and resin-finished with extra reinforcing blocks inside the moulded tree where any screws are placed.

Each batch of resin used in these trees is laboratory tested to meet strict 6746 : 1994 standards.

If the resin does not pass all of the strict testing procedures, the resin is rejected and not used in the saddle trees.


  • Appearance
  • Colour
  • AV
  • Viscosity (Brookfield)
  • Viscosity (Ford Cup 4)
  • Specific Gravity
  • Gel Time
  • Peak Exotherm
  • Gel Peak
  • Volatile Matter

Tanami Junior Saddle - 2020 - back
Tanami Junior Comp Saddle 2021 model
Tanami Junior Saddle - 2020 - front view

The feedback for this saddle has been very positive, and the Tanami Junior Comp saddle looks to be a popular addition to the Tanami range.

Need to know more?

See the specs for this saddle, or provide feedback on a Tanami Junior Comp saddle you already have.

See the product page ➤

Find your nearest distributor ➤

Tanami Junior Saddle with rider

Complete your Tanami Saddle with Tanami saddle pad and other Tanami tack and accessories.

Discover the full Tanami range ➤

Tanami leather tack products on display
Tanami logo
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How to measure a Toowoomba Saddlery saddle

Saddle size vs seat size
measuring a saddle


One of the most common saddle questions we hear is “Which saddle size do I need?”
When answering this question it is important to know how the saddle is being measured.

To help you better understand Toowoomba Saddlery saddle sizes we have prepared a brief guide.

Skip to: Saddle vs Seat Size | Size Comparison | Saddle Parts | Other Measurements | Fender Length

You may already know that Western style and Australian stock saddles are measured differently to English style saddles. It is also worth noting that some saddleries may take their measurements from different points on the saddle.

Saddle Size vs Seat Size

Toowoomba Saddlery’s saddles are available in up to 5 saddle sizes. These diagrams and table should give you an idea of how each saddle size compares to the seat size and saddle length.

Saddle Size Measurement
Measure from front-most part of the pommel to inside back seat.

Seat Size Measurement
Measure from the back of the pommel to inside back seat.

Saddle Size vs Seat size

Comparison Chart

INTERACTIVE: Select a saddle size from the box to see the relative saddle size and length.


21″ (53.4cm)


11.5″ (29cm)

Parts of a Saddle

A. Pommel
B. Kneepad
C. Cantle (The raised curved part at the back-top of the seat)
D. Seat Flap
E. Fender

Saddle Measurements

H. Seat Dip Measurement
Can be measured by placing a ruler or straight edge on pommel and top of cantle. Take measurement from this ruler to the lowest point of the seat.

I. Kneepad Height Measurement
Measure from the base of the kneepad to highest point of knee pad.

J. Chamber / Gullet Width Measurement
Measurement taken from the saddle tree (for consistency).

saddle measurements diagram
The diagram above indicates how the sizes listed in our saddle specifications are measured.

Saddle Fender Length

The benefit of removable fenders is that you can easily source spares or replacements as well as being able to mix-and-match saddles with fenders for a better fit. E.g. For a child with long legs you could purchase a youth-size saddle, then replace the standard youth size fenders with an adult size pair.

Saddle fender length diagram

Standard adult size saddles fenders: Adjustable from approximately 19” to 26” in length.
Shortened adult size fenders: Adjustable from approximately 17 ½” to 24 ½” in length.
Standard youth size saddles fenders: Adjustable from approximately 14 ½” to 18 ½” in length.

How we measure fender Length
Measure from the top of the webbing (where it hooks over the stirrup Bar) to the bottom of the leather.

Spare saddle fenders are available, and supplied by the pair.
Click here to view fender options

Ready to compare saddles? View all Toowoomba Saddlery saddles ►

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How to care for your TS leather saddle

Conditioning Saddle
oiling the saddle


At Toowoomba Saddlery, we craft our saddles with durability in mind.
With proper care, your Toowoomba Saddlery saddle will provide many years of service.

Frequently Asked Saddle Care Questions

Do I need to oil or condition my new saddle before I ride in it?

Toowoomba Saddlery recommends a light initial oil prior to your first ride (avoid over oiling) to protect the leather from the elements. It is normal for the leather to slightly darken after oiling.

Which products should I use to oil or condition my new saddle?

Toowoomba Saddlery uses and recommends Oakwood Leather Conditioner and leather oil and also Joseph Lyddy leather care products.

How often should I oil or condition my saddle?

It depends… but as a general rule you should oil your saddle before your first ride, and perhaps every 2 – 6 months there-after depending on how often you ride and your climate. If you ride in very dry or very humid conditions, you may need to oil or condition your saddle more often.

How often should I clean my saddle?

Wiping down your saddle after every ride is a good habit every rider should establish. As with conditioning, how often you perform a thorough saddle clean depends on how often you ride and your climate.

How do I care for rough-out leather on a saddle?

Once dry (after cleaning), you can lightly brush rough-out leather with a stiff bristle brush to give it new life.
You oil rough-out and smooth-out leather in exactly the same way.
NOTE: Toowoomba Saddlery does not pre-oil suede or rough-out leather on our saddles prior to dispatch as some riders prefer to use them without oil, to increase the grip this leather finish provides.

How do I care for a suede seat on a saddle?

Suede is a split leather, thinner than full grain leather and as such requires a little more maintenance. Over time, with the constant friction of riding and cleaning, the nap can ‘slick’ down, however as with all leather products, proper maintenance will extend its life as much as possible.
You can pre-treat with waterproofing and stain preventing spray before the suede is used.
Regularly remove surface dust and refresh the nap with a nylon bristle brush (similar to a nail brush). Raising the nap helps remove dirt and debris trapped between fibres and keeps the grippy texture. For heavier soiling, clean gently with soapy water and brush. Try not to oversaturate. For stains, you can try a ‘suede eraser’ which acts similarly to an eraser on pencil-marks.


We recommend Oakwood or Joseph Lyddy saddle soap.

  1. Scrub with luke-warm (not boiling) soapy water using a soft brush or cloth.
  2. Rinse well with clean water.
  3. Wash the felt lining in the same way.
  4. Allow your saddle to dry in a well ventilated shaded area (NOT in direct sunlight).
  5. When completely dry, you can re-oil / dress your saddle.


We use and recommend Oakwood Leather Oil, or Joseph Lyddy Neatsfoot Oil.

  1. Ensure the saddle is clean and dry.
  2. Apply the oil all over the saddle, use a clean paint brush to cover hard-to-reach areas, and a soft cloth or sponge for the larger areas.
  3. Give the oil some time to soak in (around an hour).
  4. Wipe off the excess with a clean, dry cloth.


Always use a quality leather conditioner.
We use and recommend Oakwood Leather Conditioner.

  1. Ensure the saddle is clean and dry.
  2. Apply first with a brush to get into all the crevices.
  3. Rub over the larger areas in a circular motion with a sponge or soft lint-free cloth.
  4. Buff the leather with a soft, dry cloth.
  5. Once conditioned, the leather can take 24 – 48 hours to fully dry.


Do not use hot water - icon

Leather is the same as our skin, if the water is too hot for our bare skin, it is too hot for leather. Many times, we have seen where very hot water has been used on saddles (mainly to shape fenders and the like), destroying the leather surface.

Do not oil a wet saddle - icon

This can trap moisture in the leather, potentially leading to mould or rot.

DONOT use hot oil - icon

This will damage the leather.

DONOT use mineral oils - icon

e.g. engine/motor oil etc… as this will dry the leather out.

DONOT dry with direct heat - icon

This includes blow-dryers, heaters and direct sunlight. This can shrink, harden and crack the leather.


DO use tepid water - icon

when cleaning your saddle.

DO clean and oil regularly

If the leather dries out you risk decreasing the life of the product.

DO gearchecks - icon

Check your girth, girth points, stirrup leathers and bridles. Only use a reputable saddler for repairs.

DO dry naturally - icon

in a well-ventilated, shady area.

Ongoing Saddle Care

saddle care products

Both Oakwood and Joseph Lyddy leather care products have a long history in Australia. Make them part of your regular leather care regime to get the most out of your leather products.
View our leather care products ►